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The Way to Spot Fake Instagram and Twitter Followers

Fake it until you make it, or so the saying goes. But purchasing imitation buy instagram followers uk is cheating, and you are eventually going to get called out for it.

During the past New Zealand Fashion Week, I researched into some of those so-called trend bloggers. Most had an astounding number of fake followers on Instagram and Twitter. Fake fashion bloggers hack off me more than many. It could be due to they lack any real style or the fact that they arrogantly prance around these industry events, carrying selfies and posting to their tens of thousand fake followers. They are not adding any real value if they have no actual influence.

Fake Instagram and Twitter followers, by my definition, are fake or dead accounts, and also real reports from users in countries that don't have any influential significance to the profile. Both of these types of followers are simple to buy.

There's no purpose in having tens of thousands of followers if they are meaningless. The worth of a person's social reach should be quantified by their participation, not by the total number of followers they have.

Look at just how engaged the consumer's followers are. Are their followers commenting and enjoying posts? Are their followers part of this cohort you're targeting?

There are a couple ways to tell if someone has imitation followers.


Unless you're Lorde and have shot to stardom in a super brief amount of time, an odd spike in followers can only be the result of a buying spree.


I have seen Instagram accounts with over forty thousand followers, but all their posts is just getting around 100 likes. The low involvement percentage indicates that their influence in their followers is super low, and they most likely paid for nearly all their followers.

Another dead giveaway is followers without a account activity or profile pic. These accounts are 'dead accounts'.

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